Flexible and Innovative financing solutions to help you grow your business
The Brewer Company has teamed with Regents Capital to offer a variety of leasing and finance options for virtually any aspect of your business.
Regents Capital offers many financing options:
- Multiple types of leases
- Equipment finance agreements
- Working capital loans
Financing structures and terms are flexible to match your needs and the rates are some of the most competitive in the industry.

Equipment Leases
Equipment leases are one of the most preferred finance options for US businesses today. Leasing offers a variety of direct advantages to businesses looking to strategically manage cash, reduce tax liability and achieve flexibility in their capital equipment acquisition cycles.
Lease Benefits:
- 100% Financing
- Reduction of tax liability via operating leases
- Enhanced cash flow forecasting
- Eliminating equipment ownership risk
Equipment Finance Agreements
You may prefer to retain ownership of your assets during the lifecycle of the transaction. In this scenario, the preferred option would be an Equipment Finance Agreement (EFA). This structure is very similar to a term loan with some distinct advantages.
EFA Benefits:
- 100% Financing
- No blanket liens – EFAs are collateral specific
- Fixed Rate Financing – EFA rates are fixed for the full term
- No Covenants – Unlike bank loans, EFAs have no covenants

Regents Capital’s Sale-Leaseback Program offers a 100% reimbursement for equipment purchases made within the past 12 months. Many companies use a sale-lease program to help improve their cash position and balance their expenses.
Benefits of an Equipment Sale-Leaseback:
- 100% reimbursement (for equipment purchases made within past 12 months)
- No other collateral – this form of financing is secured by the equipment itself
- Improved cash flow – use capital for operating expenses or expansion projects
- Gain the tax benefits of financing equipment
- Avoid the risk and cost of equipment ownership
Regents Capital Corporation is prepared to finance equipment for US Based companies in all types of industries. We are flexible to most collateral types, including 100% software financing.
Equipment financing is available up to $20 million.
Our term lengths run from 2-7 years.
We are credit and risk based. We have some of the most competitive rates in the industry. We will work to make sure you are receiving the best structure available for your needs.
Yes, we can provide you with a Sale-leaseback or Equipment Finance Agreement to reimburse you for your equipment purchase.
Our experience leasing professionals are ready to take care of your project immediately.