
We have everything you need when you need it. From the highest quality pavement sealers, additives, crackfillers and striping paints down to the part you can’t seem to find or hand tool nobody else carries. We have everything professionals need. We are where professionals shop.

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Property Managers

An effective pavement maintenance program can more than double the life of your asphalt pavement. Our pavement sealers last longer than others. They beautify your parking lot, reduce maintenance costs and prolong it’s service life.

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We can help match the right product and application specification to the conditions in any project. We have a section with standard specifications available for typical work and have extensive knowledge of all pavement types, repair methods and surface treatments if you need specifics.

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The Brewer Company has no peer in the development and production of pavement sealer. All of our pavement sealers are produced on a colloid mill unique to our industry. Years of refinement to processing equipment and controls allow us to achieve product quality and consistency unmatched by any other. Whether it is produced from refined tar, petroleum resin or asphalt you can count on any Brewer pavement sealer to be the best – always produced to the highest standards giving you trouble free performance and your customer beautiful, long lasting results.

The Brewer Company is employee owned

Our employee owners are dedicated to the pavement maintenance market and the contractors who service it. We know pavement, and if you are a contractor we know your business!

We have the largest and most extensive inventory of pavement maintenance products available anywhere at each of our locations. Need something now? Take a look at our online store.